Saturday 25 November 2017

IBM Announces For Two Quantum Processors This Friday See The Details..

IBM announced 20-qubit and 50-qubit quantum processors for its IBM Q early-access commercial systems this friday.
The 20-qubit processor featuring improvements in superconducting qubit design, connectivity and packaging has coherence times of 90 microseconds, which allows high-fidelity quantum operations, IBM said.
The 50-qubit processor is an operational prototype. It expands upon the 20-qubit architecture and has similar performance metrics.
IBM will offer these quantum processors as a service.
During 2018, IBM plans to improve the quality of qubits in the 20-qubit processor, as well as circuit connectivity and operation error rates.
A 20-qubit processor "would enable very large computing problems [such as] cryptography protein interactions, chemical interactions and flow simulations," said Michael Jude, research manager at Stratecast/Frost & Sullivan.
Essentially, it would enable the solution of many systems of nonlinear differential equations. IBM Research "is working on two distinct paths linking AI and quantum computing," company spokesperson Vu told the E-Commerce Times. "We don't know yet the practical application of quantum to AI, but we expect this interplay to yield new and fruitful avenues of research in both fields."
Google and HPE have been active in quantum computing, but Google doesn't seem to have the attention span for long-term projects like this, he told the E-Commerce Times, and HPE has already been sacrificed to a tactical strategy that's killing the company. 



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